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How we manage your acne

Acne and acne scars

Many individuals encounter this issue at various points in their lives. While some may find it manageable, others might experience a persistent issue with various contributing factors. Acne can manifest during adolescence for some, while others may not experience their first outbreak until adulthood. Genetic elements, hormonal imbalances, and environmental factors all contribute significantly to the development, persistence, or worsening of acne.

The primary worry associated with acne revolves around the enduring scars it can leave behind, which often become a lifelong concern. Consequently, it becomes crucial to address acne promptly and proactively.

At the Dermys Skin and Hair Clinic, we approach acne treatments with a deep commitment and extensive expertise. Our specialization lies in the integration of medical remedies for acne while concurrently addressing and preventing acne- related scarring through procedural techniques such as chemical peels and lasers. This combined strategy yields quicker results with minimal downtime, allowing you to resume your normal life swiftly.

Our acne treatments are highly personalized, taking into account factors such as the severity of acne, the potential for scarring, existing scars, and the likelihood of side effects. These treatments are systematically structured, beginning with the most basic treatment for individuals with acne and progressing to higher levels only when necessary. This approach minimizes the need for numerous procedures and facilitates the body's natural healing process, reducing the immediate use of strong medications.

As experts in acne management, we have assisted numerous individuals in conquering acne and regaining their self-confidence. Your active participation in the treatment process is crucial, especially since, after the initial intensive phase, you will transition to a maintenance regimen that can be managed at home.

For those who smoke, it is essential to consider quitting as smoking can either cause or exacerbate acne and directly impact the effectiveness of the treatment.

In cases of female patients with acne, hormonal factors often play a significant role. Evaluation for hormonal causes may necessitate blood tests and ultrasonograms. If you have previously undergone tests or treatments for your acne, please bring those details to your consultation, regardless of whether they were successful or not.

The use of sunscreen is mandatory for achieving favorable results during acne treatment. We will assist you in selecting the sunscreen best suited to your needs. Additionally, we shall provide guidance on your medication regimen and schedule follow- up appointments based on your chosen treatment plan. Your well-being and successful acne management are our top priorities at Dermys Skin and Hair Clinic.

Acne scars

Achieving optimal results in acne scar treatment often involves employing a range of techniques. At Dermys Skin and Hair Clinic, we have access to a wide array of established and cutting-edge technologies for managing acne scars. Our approach typically involves a combination of procedures, including microneedling, chemical peeling, and laser treatments, complemented by gold standard dermatosurgery techniques like subcision and dermal fillers. This multifaceted approach allows us to deliver maximum results with a minimal number of sessions.

We offer comprehensive acne scar management that encompasses both dermatosurgery and device-based technologies, ensuring that our patients receive the most effective and tailored treatment for their specific needs. Your satisfaction and achieving the best possible outcomes are our primary goals at Dermys Skin and Hair Clinic.

Dr. Pallavi Rokade

MBBS, MD Dermatology
Dermatologist & Cosmetologist
Dermys Skin and Hair Clinic Nagpur

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