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How to prevent and treat hair loss

Hair care is indeed a crucial aspect of maintaining healthy and attractive hair, and it is closely related to hair treatment. Lack of awareness about proper hair care techniques, along with poor or inappropriate choices when it comes to processes like smoothening, straightening, or coloring, can lead to weathered and damaged hair.

As certified providers of hair loss treatments, it is essential to educate patients and clients about suitable hair care products and protocols. This includes offering guidance on the right texture and color modification treatments and timing.

Many of these recommendations involve a dedicated DIY regimen aimed at keeping hair glossy and healthy. By following proper hair care practices, individuals can complement the benefits of their hair loss treatments and maintain beautiful, vibrant hair.

It's commendable that you prioritize patient education and holistic hair care as part of your approach to addressing hair-related concerns.

Certainly, there are several hair care myths that have been debunked by experts over time. Here are a few common ones:

1. Trimming hair makes it grow faster: Cutting the ends of your hair does not affect the rate of hair growth from the scalp. Trimming is essential for maintaining healthy hair and preventing split ends but doesn't accelerate growth.

2. Shampooing daily is necessary: Washing your hair daily can strip it of natural oils and potentially lead to dryness. How often you should shampoo depends on your hair type and lifestyle.

3. Cold water makes hair shinier: Rinsing with cold water may temporarily seal the hair cuticle, making it appear smoother and shinier, but it's not a long-term solution for hair health.

4. Plucking one gray hair leads to more: Plucking one gray hair won't result in more gray hairs growing in its place. However, it's best to leave them be to avoid damage to the hair follicle.

5. Natural ingredients are always safe: Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's suitable for your hair. Some natural ingredients can be harsh or cause allergic reactions.

6. More shampoo equals cleaner hair: Using excessive shampoo doesn't necessarily make your hair cleaner. It's more about the technique and thorough rinsing.

7. Frequent brushing makes hair healthier: Over-brushing can damage hair, especially when it's wet. It's best to use a wide-toothed comb on wet hair and brush gently when dry.

8. Hair products can repair split ends: No hair product can truly repair split ends. Trimming is the only effective way to get rid of them.

It's important to separate hair care facts from myths to maintain healthy and beautiful hair. Consulting with a professional hair care expert can provide tailored guidance for your specific hair type and concerns.

Hair Loss

Hair loss is a complex issue influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and medical factors. At DERMYS Skin & Hair Clinic, it is essential to identify the underlying causes of hair loss before developing a treatment plan. While androgenetic hair loss (pattern balding) is a common issue, it is crucial to investigate any additional causes or overlapping medical conditions in each patient.

Trichoscopy is a valuable diagnostic tool used to examine the hair and scalp, aiding in the diagnosis of various hair loss conditions. When necessary, a biopsy may be performed for a more in-depth evaluation.

Micro-nutrient deficiencies can also contribute to hair loss, particularly in women. Therefore, blood tests may be recommended to assess nutrient levels and identify any deficiencies.

This comprehensive approach to diagnosing and addressing hair loss ensures that patients receive personalized and effective treatment tailored to their specific needs and underlying causes.

Male Pattern Hair Loss (MPHL)

Androgenetic hair loss is the most common type of hair loss. This condition typically presents with a distinctive pattern characterized by a receding hairline, thinning of hair density on the front and sides of the scalp, and sometimes additional hair loss on the crown. Androgenetic hair loss is primarily attributed to the genetically determined increased activity of androgens, often referred to as male hormones.

These androgens affect specific receptors in the hair-bearing regions of the scalp, leading to a reduction in both hair density and the thickness of individual hair strands. The recognizable pattern of balding in androgenetic hair loss is a result of the distribution of these receptors on the scalp. This condition can affect both men and women and is often managed through various treatment approaches aimed at slowing down or reversing the hair loss process.

Female Pattern Hair Loss (FPHL)

Female pattern hair loss, which often presents as hair loss along the frontal area in a Christmas tree pattern, along with or without a recession of the temporal hairline, is indeed becoming more prevalent. This increase in occurrence could be attributed, in part, to the rising incidence of hormonal conditions such as Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in the population.

Given the distinctive pattern of hair loss in female pattern hair loss (FPHL), it is essential for individuals experiencing this condition to undergo a comprehensive evaluation by a healthcare professional. This evaluation aims to identify any underlying causes, including hormonal factors, that may contribute to the hair loss.

Once the cause is determined, a treatment plan can be initiated to address the hair loss. It's important to note that managing FPHL often involves ongoing maintenance therapy even after the initial phase of treatment has successfully halted hair shedding. This maintenance therapy is crucial for maintaining the health and density of the hair over the long term.

Hair Loss Treatments

DERMYS Skin & Hair Clinic offers a comprehensive and innovative range of treatments for hair loss, tailored to the specific needs of each patient. These treatment options include:

1. Scalp Microneedling: This treatment, combined with topical agents, is employed as the first line of management. It helps control hair shedding and promotes regrowth. The treatment duration varies depending on the severity of hair loss and typically spans 6 to 12 weeks.

2. Medical Management: Medical treatments are a key focus at DERMYS for managing various cases of hair loss, especially when topical or adjuvant treatments alone may not suffice. These treatments are tailored to the severity of hair loss and may be initiated alongside other treatments.

3. Low Level Laser Therapy (LLLT): LLLT has shown efficacy in increasing hair count and reducing shedding. It is often used as an adjuvant treatment alongside other interventions.

Additionally, we provide flexibility for patients to choose their preferred lab for required blood tests, ensuring convenience. Existing test results within the past 6 months are accepted if they are still valid, streamlining the diagnostic process.

DERMYS Skin & Hair Clinic's multifaceted approach to hair loss management, incorporating innovative in-house treatments, ensures that patients receive personalized care based on their unique circumstances and needs.

Dr. Pallavi Rokade

MBBS, MD Dermatology
Dermatologist & Cosmetologist
Dermys Skin and Hair Clinic Nagpur

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